Essay Competition to Improve Turkish-Hungarian Relations Through Youth



Turkey and Hungary share a long-standing common history. Several Hungarian historians underline the close interaction between Turkish and Hungarian societies, cultures and arts well as military relations. Following the intensive military relations between XIV-XVIIIth Centuries, the Turkish-Hungarian relations continued and strengthened in technology, culture and science. İbrahim Müteferrika, a Hungarian native, introduced the first printing Office in Turkey in the mid of XVIIIth Century.  The Ottoman State protected the Hungarian refugees against the Austrian-Russian pact in 1840. Since then several Hungarians such as Vambery, Racory and Nemeth contributed to development of Turkish language. Some Hungarians experts, Baron de Tott, provided knowledge and expertise in the development of higher education in the late Ottoman Period. Scholarly exchanges between two countries continued during the Republican Period of Turkey and Hungarian experts, such as Amar, Bartok visited Turkey and improved the cultural ties between two societies.

Turkish public opinion was strongly on the side of Hungarian Revolution of 1956 and against the Soviet invasion. However, until the end of 1980s Turkish Hungarian relations followed a low profile due to the Cold War imperatives. Beginning of 1990s opened a new era and political, economic and social relations quickly improved. Bilateral agreements at governmental levels continue to flourish on the basis of friendship, cooperation and common interests.

The accession of Hungary to NATO and the EU has brought a multilateral dimension to the relations between the two countries. Trade volume reached at about 2 billion USD in 2014 and expected to increase up to 5 billion USD in 2015. Setting up of the Yunus Emre Turkish cultural centre in Budapest and the Balassi Institute in Istanbul serve to improve cultural relations between two countries. Number of Turkish and Hungarian students as well as scholars in host countries increased through bilateral programs and Erasmus study mobility.

In order to establish peace, security and harmony in our region, mutual understanding, exchange of ideas and values, improvement of partnership in economy, politics and social life are vital importance. These objectives can be best achieved by the contribution of youth in developing such activities.

This essay competition aims at exploring innovative ideas and insights in order to strengthen Networks between the youth of Turkish and Hungarian societies in various fields including economics, technology, culture, art and politics.


Eligibility for participation, administrative coordination

Essay competition is open only to undergraduate and graduate students (MA and Ph.D) from Boğaziçi UniversityDumlupınar Universityİstanbul Bilgi UniversityKadir Has UniversityKoç UniversityMarmara University, Muğla Sıtkı Koçman University, and Sabancı University.


Topic of the essays:

Essays should be related to the leading personalities in contemporary Turkish-Hungarian relations in Art, Culture, Literature, History, Science, Technology, Government, Business, Sport and other related areas.



Essays shall be written in English, double-space, 10-15 pages (Times New Roman, 12 size).

Essay shall be submitted in an envelope on which a nickname posted without the identification of the candidate. A full identification of the candidate (Name, surname, full mailing address, e mail address and personal telephone) shall be provided in a sealed separate envelope together with the essay.

The essay must be submitted by a regular mail by January 31, 2018 to the Consulate General of Hungary (İmrahor Cad. No. 23 / Yankı Sok. No. 27, B Blok, Gürsel Mahallesi, Kağıthane, 34400 İstanbul).



Evaluation will be carried out by a group of senior professors representing the universities under the chairmanship of a representative from the Consulate General of Hungary following the closing date in January 2018.

Evaluation Criteria - Demonstrating knowledge of Hungarian-Turkish relations in historical perspective - 0-20 points – Exploring Hungarian-Turkish relations in specific areas - 0-20 points – Demonstrating satisfactory analysis of the topic - 0-20 points - Strong argumentation and explanation skill - 0-20 points - Initiation of creative and innovative ideas with the main topic - 0-20 points.

Essays will be evaluated by mid- February 2018 according to the set criteria.



  • Invitation to various events of the Consulate of Hungary in Istanbul, especially to those related to XX. Century Hungarian-Turkish relations. 
  • A 3 day trip to Budapest (for the authors of the three best essays).